Sex-linked Inheritance in Drosophila

Sex-linked Inheritance in Drosophila


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Sex-linked Inheritance in Drosophila by Calvin B. Bridges, Thomas Hunt Morgan







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Sex-linked Inheritance in Drosophila


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s have been found to be absolutely sterile.

While the presence of the Y is necessary for the fertility of the male, it has no effect upon sex itself. This is shown even more strikingly by the phenomenon known as secondary non-disjunction. If the two X chromosomes that fail to disjoin remain in the egg, and this egg is fertilized by a Y sperm, an XXY individual results. This is a female which is like her mother in all sex-linked characters (a matroclinous exception), since she received both her X chromosomes from her mother and none from her father. As far as sex is concerned this is a perfectly normal female. The extra Y has no effect upon the appearance of the characters, even in the case of eosin, where the female is much darker than the male. The only effect which the extra Y has is as an extra wheel in the machinery of synapsis and reduction; for, on account of the presence of the Y, both X's of the XXY female are sometimes left within the ripe egg, a process called secondary non-disjunction. In co