Cave Girl
Cave Girl
Cave Girl and was serialized in The All-Story magazine from July to September 1913. Following the publication of the sequel, The Cave Man, in 1917, the stories were published together in 1925 by A. C. McClurg & Co. This text is a combination of the magazine serials.
Book Excerpt
ized scream Waldo turned and fled toward the cliff. A quick glance over his shoulder brought another series of shrieks from the frightened fugitive, for it revealed not alone the fact that the awful man was pursuing him, but that behind him raced at least a dozen more equally frightful.
Waldo ran toward the cliffs only because that direction lay straight away from his pursuers. He had no idea what he should do when he reached the rocky barrier--he was far too frightened to think.
His pursuers were gaining upon him, their savage yells mingling with his piercing cries and spurring him on to undreamed-of pinnacles of speed. As he ran, his knees came nearly to his shoulders at each frantic bound; his left hand was extended far ahead, clutching wildly at the air as though he were endeavoring to pull himself ahead, while his right hand, still grasping the cudgel, described a rapid circle, like the arm of a windmill gone mad. In action Waldo was an inspiring spectacle.
At the foot of the cliff h
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A cute little standard Burroughs tale. Its ok but "Jungle girl" and "Monster men" are more interesting.
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Not up to Burrough's general standard, but I've read worse -- and it helped pass the time while waiting for the dentist. Couldn't find the errors the earlier reviewer was so upset about.
Not bad, for a pulp adventure -- picked it up just to see how bad the errors could be, and didn't run into anything notable.
Absolutely RIFE with errors. So riddled with typoes as to be virtually unreadable. One of the worst e-texts I have ever downloaded.
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