The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 8

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 8
A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments


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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 8 by Sir Richard Francis Burton





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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, vol 8
A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments


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Book Excerpt

ee, Inshallah!" The old woman pondered for a full hour with brow earthwards bent; after which she raised her head and said to him, "O thou beautiful youth, wilt thou indeed keep compact and covenant?" He replied, "Yes, by Him who raised the heavens and dispread the earth upon the waters, I will indeed keep faith and troth!" Thereupon quoth she, "I will win for thee thy wish, Inshallah! but for the present go thou into the garden and take thy pleasure therein and eat of its fruits, that have neither like in the world nor equal, whilst I send for my son Shahyal and confabulate with him of the matter. Nothing but good shall come of it, so Allah please, for he will not gainsay me nor disobey my commandment and I will marry thee with his daughter Badi'a al-Jamal. So be of good heart for she shall assuredly be thy wife, O Sayf al-Muluk." The Prince thanked her for those words and kissing her hands and feet, went forth from her into the garden; whilst she turned to Marjanah and said to her, "Go seek my son Shahyal w


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