Solander's Radio Tomb

Solander's Radio Tomb


(5 Reviews)
Solander's Radio Tomb by Ellis Parker Butler







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Solander's Radio Tomb


(5 Reviews)
The intricacies in radio are so great, and the changes occur so quickly that no one can afford to make a will wherein a radio provision figures. Once we thought of having a radio loud speaker installed in our coffin to keep us company and make it less lonesome. After reading this story we quickly changed our mind. The possibilities are too various.

Book Excerpt

I was going in to New York on the 8:15 A.M. train and was sitting with my friend Murchison and, as a matter of course, we were talking radio. I had just told Murchison that he was a lunkheaded noodle and that for two cents I would poke him in the jaw, and that even a pin-headed idiot ought to know that a tube set was better than a crystal set. To this Murchison had replied that that settled it. He said he had always known I was a moron, and now he was sure of it.

"If you had enough brains to fill a hazelnut shell," he said, "you wouldn't talk that way. Anybody but a half-baked lunatic would know that what a man wants in radio is clear, sharp reception and that's what a crystal gives you. You're one of these half-wits that think they're classy if they can hear some two-cent station five hundred miles away utter a few faint squeaks. Shut up! I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to listen to you. Go and sit somewhere else."

Of course, this was


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The story is short, fun, and easy to read. I personally didn’t see the twist ending coming, so found it clever.
A rich and pious man designs a tomb for himself that is comforting and uplifting to everyone buried around him. But he failed to account for the FCC.

A dated (from 1927) story with a slightly irritating folksy style of writing. Not bad, not special.
Profile picture for user Cristinutaa
Humorous short about a deeply religious mans tomb, and the lawyer who helped draw up his will.
Predictable short story about a man who takes his love for radio to extremes. You can see the "twist" ending coming a mile away.
Ryanne Siddiq - A Moving Children's Book About Friendship
FEATURED AUTHOR - Ryanne is a kind-hearted and silly storyteller and book connoisseur. She has a no-nonsense American attitude mixed with a little bit of Mediterranean warmth and charm. Ryanne loves race cars and unicorns, and she’s fairly certain that coffee flows through her veins! She drives a stick in stilettos, appreciates good food and great company, and smiles when the birds sing outside her window. When Ryanne got too sick to drive the fun cars, she decided to write about them instead.