The Guarded Heights

The Guarded Heights


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The Guarded Heights by Charles Wadsworth Camp





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The Guarded Heights


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The story of how George Morton rose from humble beginnings to wealth and position. The chapters on Princeton are especially interesting. Several of the characters,—the tutor, the trainer, the football coach,—are easily recognized as portrayals of well-known Princetonians.

Book Excerpt

enough of that," George snapped. "Scrape him down, and I'll be much obliged."

He went out, knowing that the other would obey, for as a rule people did what George wanted. He took a path through the park toward home, walking slowly, commencing to appreciate the difficulties he had brought upon himself. His predicament might easily involve his parents. The afternoon was about done, they would both be there, unsuspecting. It was his duty to prepare them. He experienced a bitter regret as he crossed the line that a few months ago had divided their property, their castle, from Oakmont. Now Old Planter could cross that line and drive them out.

Before George came in sight of the house he heard a rubbing, slapping noise, and with a new distaste pictured his mother bending over a washtub, suggesting a different barrier to be leaped. As he entered the open space back of the house he wanted to kick the tub over, wanted to see sprawling in the dirt the delicate, intimate linen sent down weekly from the gre


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