The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles of Ballytrain

The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles of Ballytrain
The Works of William Carleton, Volume One


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The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles of Ballytrain by William Carleton





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The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles of Ballytrain
The Works of William Carleton, Volume One


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Book Excerpt

in the third volume of the first edition of this book, and which I myself took from close observation, when, some years ago, accompanied by Dr. White, I was searching in the Grangegorman Lunatic Asylum and in Swift's for a case of madness arising from disappointment in love. I was then writing. "Jane Sinclair," and to the honor of the sex, I have to confess that in neither of those establishments, nor any others either in or about Dublin, could I find such a case. Here, however, in the Yankee's book, there were neither inverted commas, nor the slightest acknowledgment of the source from which the unprincipled felon had stolen it.

With respect to mad-houses, especially as they were conducted up until within the last thirty years, I must say with truth, that if every fact originating in craft, avarice, oppression, and the most unscrupulous ambition for family wealth and hereditary rank, were known, such a dark series of crime and cruelty would come to light as time public mind could scarcely conceive--n


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