David Rynick
"How is that, Dinny? I can hear you sittin'."
"Lie down, you reptile, or I shall decline the narration altogether."
"Arra, lie down, Phadrick; sure he only wants to show you the rason o' the thing."
"Well, well; I'm down. Now Dinny, don't let your feet be too larned, if you plase."
"Silence!--taceto! you reptile. Now, Phadrick, here, on this side o' you, lies Barny Branagan's field; an' there, on that side, lies a field of Parra Ghastha's; you're the ditch o' mud betuxt them."
"The ditch o' mud! Faix that's dacent!"
"Now here, on Barny Branagan'