Rodney the Partisan
Rodney the Partisan
Rodney leaves school for his Southern home just as Fort Sumter is fired upon. He naturally joins the Southern army, though in time he learns to regret his choice. The events are such as would be witnessed by a Southern spectator.
Book Excerpt
t the colonel commanding says he can't take them unless they will give up their independent organization."
"Oh, I hope they'll not think of doing that."
"You needn't worry. More than one Swamp Fox like General Marion will come to the front before this thing is over, and Bob's company will not be left out in the cold. I haven't said much to your mother about your going into the service," Mr. Gray went on, throwing open the door of a box stall and holding out an ear of corn to a glossy, well-conditioned steed which came up to take a bite at it. "While she is strong for secession and very patriotic where other folks are concerned, she don't want any of the members of her own family to go to war. She thinks they are sure to be killed."
"That isn't at all like the women and girls around Barrington," replied Rodney, stepping into the stall and beginning a critical inspection of his new horse. "They'll not have any thing to do with a fellow who isn't willing to prove his devotion to the Confeder
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