In Secret
In Secret
A mystery on the Swiss border during the War.
Book Excerpt
ce Service,
Naval Intelligence Service, Neutrality Squads of the Customs, and
the Postal Inspection. Then there's the State Service and the police
and several other services. And there is no proper co-ordination, no
single head for all these agencies. The result is a ghastly
confusion and shameful inefficiency.
"This affair which I am investigating is a delicate one, as you know. Any blundering might lose us the key to what may be a very dangerous conspiracy. So I prefer to operate entirely within the jurisdiction of our own Service--"
"What you propose to do is OUTSIDE of our province!" he interrupted.
"I'm not so sure. Are you?"
"Well--hum--hum!--what is it you propose to do to-night?"
"I should like to consult my Chief of Division."
"Meaning me?"
"Of course."
"Where are you just now, Miss Erith?"
"At home. Could you come to me?"
Vaux shivered again.
"Where d-do you live?" he asked, with chattering teeth.
She gave him the number of a private house on
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Disclaimer - I could only make it through about a third of this book - so it is possible that I have missed out on a great masterpiece but somehow I doubt it. I encountered a bit of espionage and romance during my attempt (this book may set an all time record for blush scenes.) The author also includes a somewhat preachy anti-alcohol message. I found a few points of interest but for the most part it was tedious reading.
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An amazingly fun mystery, with plenty of twists and surprises. You'll like the lovely and brilliant heroine, Miss Erith.
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