Ralph, the Train Dispatcher
Ralph, the Train Dispatcher
The Mystery of the Pay Car
Book Excerpt
ext--you'll see," fumed Fogg, as the locomotive came to a stop.
"It's a freight on the out track," said Ralph, peering ahead. "Two cars over the embankment and--"
"For land's sake!" interrupted the fireman, "whiff! whoo! what have we run into, anyway?"
A flying object came slam bang against the lookout window not two inches from Fogg's nose. A dozen more sailed over the cab roof. With a great flutter half of these dropped down into the cab direct.
"Chickens!" roared Fogg in excitement and astonishment. "Say, did you ever see so many at one time? Where do they ever come from?"
"From the wreck. Look ahead," directed Ralph.
It was hard to do this, for a second flock of fowls thronged down upon them. Of a sudden there seemed to be chickens everywhere. They scampered down the rails, crouched to the pilot, roosted on the steam chests, lined up on the coal of the tender, while three fat hens clucked and skirmished under the very feet of the fireman, who was hopping about to
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