Advice to Young Men
Advice to Young Men
And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
From the Edition of 1829.
Book Excerpt
three words, 'Vivre de peu,' which I have always very much admired.
'_To live upon little_' is the great security against slavery; and this
precept extends to dress and other things besides food and drink. When
DOCTOR JOHNSON wrote his Dictionary, he put in the word pensioner thus:
'PENSIONER--A slave of state.' After this he himself became a
pensioner! And thus, agreeably to his own definition, he lived and
died 'a slave of state!' What must this man of great genius, and of
great industry too, have felt at receiving this pension! Could he be so
callous as not to feel a pang upon seeing his own name placed before his
own degrading definition? And what could induce him to submit to this?
His wants, his artificial wants, his habit of indulging in the pleasures
of the table; his disregard of the precept 'Vivre de peu.' This was
the cause; and, be it observed, that indulgences of this sort, while
they tend to make men poor and expose them to commit mean acts, tend
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Dead but still speaking is the right word to describe Cobbett William. If only i have found this advice ten years ago. But it is not too late to make the rest of my life count. I love Cobbett instruction they are has relevant today as it is two hundred years ago.
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I just saw the title of book and eagier to read.