The Missing Angel

The Missing Angel


(6 Reviews)
The Missing Angel by Erle Cox





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The Missing Angel


(6 Reviews)
A man trades his soul to the Devil -- and is happier for it.

Book Excerpt

ieces, for the first time in his life, at the age of thirty-two years, Tydvil Jones swore. "No more! No more!" he said aloud, bringing his clenched fist down on the table before him, "I'm damned if I'll stand it any longer!" The trouble was, that Tydvil learned he had been robbed of his youth and the joy of living it. That the robbery was committed with pious intent, was no salve to his feelings. Affection may have misled his mother, but Amy had been an accessory, not for love, but ambition. It was not sweet to realise that he was subject for amused pity among the men he met in business. The worst of it was he felt his case was beyond remedy.

Two incidents occurred about this time that made him resolve on emancipation. In both of these he was an unwilling eavesdropper.

One night, while returning home from a meeting, he entered an empty railway compartment. At the next station, two men, well known to him, took the adjoining compartment. When he recognised their voices, he was prevented from makin


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Readers reviews

Average from 6 Reviews
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This story is a hidden gem. Though there are a few glaring things I could complain about - like the premise that an upright man would suddenly do an about-face and turn "evil" - the author tells a story that keeps the reader wondering what's next. And that is the ultimate mark of a good story. Despite the antiquated setting, silly notions, and somewhat melodramatic characters, I found myself anxiously turning pages up until the end. And, the ending itself was handled well enough not to be a disappointment.

This is the story about a hen-pecked boy who becomes a hen-pecked husband. He has never done anything wrong, and is quick to point out others' faults. Then one day he makes a deal with the devil to trade his soul for a chance to have some fun. A terribly unlikely premise, but it ends up making for a good story nevertheless.
Awfully contrived.

The prose is stilted even for its time, and the book quickly becomes "tiresome," as another reviewer has already said.
Plot bullets

Mr. Jones is married, but miserable,
Mr. Jones is the head of his fathers successful business, but is unfulfilled.
A revolution of personality may be in order.
A complete turn around in personality would be the Devil's work, wouldn't it.
No need for Daniel Webster. Mr. Jones has a secretary quite up to any task.
Who is the missing angel. I had to wait until the end of the story, so will you.

A lightweight, comedic version of the devil offers a henpecked businessman three months of good times - for the usual price. There are some humorous situations, the dinner party of the Moral Uplift society attended by the devil incognito was hilarious. The book was good, not deep but something different.
Reminiscent of the works of Thorne Smith, though less amusing, this novel follows the upright, unhappily married Tydvil Jones, who decides to cast aside his pure lifestyle and go to the devil, quite literally. It becomes tiresome rather quickly.
A story of the adventures of a straight laced man who sells his soul to have a few months of the party life. Religious people might not approve of the nonchalant interaction with the Devil, and insinuating that sin is better than virtue. Well written and intermediately entertaining.