The Men of the Moss-Hags
The Men of the Moss-Hags
Being a history of adventure taken from the papers of William Gordon of Earlstoun in Galloway
Book Excerpt
>"There are people hereabouts that are not very chancy. My father saw the Marshalls go by this morning!"
Often and often I had heard of the tribe before, and they had a singular name for their ill-done deeds. Indeed the whole land was so overrun with beggars of the Strong Hand, and the times so unsettled, that nothing could be done to put a stop to their spoilings. For the King and his men were too busy riding down poor folk that carried Bibles and went to field-preachings, to pay attention to such as merely invaded homesteads and lifted gear.
As we set breast to the brae and came to the top of the little hill, I stumbled over something white and soft lying behind a heather bush. It was a sheep--dead, and with much of it rent and carried away. The ground about was all a-lapper with blood.
"A worrying dog has done this!" I said.
But Maisie Lennox came up, and as she caught sight of the carcase her face fell. She shook her head mighty seriously.
"Two-footed dogs," she said. "S
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