The Finding of Haldgren

The Finding of Haldgren


(1 Review)
The Finding of Haldgren by Charles Willard Diffin





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The Finding of Haldgren


(1 Review)
Chet Ballard answers the pinpoint of light that from the craggy desolation of the moon stabs out man's old call for help.

Book Excerpt

r, dead wrong! And I'll make you admit it, too.

"No--don't interrupt! I'm going to say what I please, and this is it, Commander:

"Hang onto that jewel you were giving me. Keep it ready. For I'm going to the Moon. I'm going to find Haldgren, if he's still living when I get there. And, at the least, I will bring back some record to show he is the man we should honor.

"Haldgren, alive or dead, was the first man to conquer space. Neither Harkness nor I would steal an atom of his glory. I'll have the proof when I come back. And when I come--"

* * * * *

For an instant the ready grin that marked Chet's irresistible good nature lighted up his face with a silent echo of some laugh-provoking thought occurring in his mind.

"--when I do come, Commander, I will make you eat your words. It's you who will be out of the Service then, laughed out!"

The Commander smiled, too; smiled coldly, complacently, while his head shook.

"Again you are mistaken," he told Chet; "never