A Review of the Frogs of the Hyla bistincta Group
A Review of the Frogs of the Hyla bistincta Group
Book Excerpt
and limbs faintly areolate; skin of chin, belly, and ventral surfaces of thighs granular, that of ventral surfaces of limbs, except thighs, areolate; thoracic fold absent. Tongue nearly round, slightly longer than wide, shallowly notched behind and barely free posteriorly. Vomerine teeth 4-4, situated on rounded vomerine ridges between rather small ovoid inner nares; vocal slits present, situated along posterior edge of each ramus.
Color (in alcohol) pale brown on dorsal surfaces of head, body, and limbs; flanks and anterior surfaces of thighs creamy white with dark brown reticulations; posterior surfaces of thighs tan with creamy white spots; belly cream-color; anal stripe absent.
Color (in life) pale tan on dorsal surfaces; flanks and anterior surfaces of thighs pale creamy yellow with purplish brown reticulations; posterior surfaces of thighs tan with yellow spots; ventral surfaces yellow; iris pale copper-color.
Variation.--There is little variation in structure. The total nu
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