A Review of the Middle American Tree Frogs of the Genus Ptychohyla
A Review of the Middle American Tree Frogs of the Genus Ptychohyla
Book Excerpt
ta (KU 58008), (B) Ptychohyla schmidtorum schmidtorum (KU 58037), and (C) Ptychohyla ignicolor (UMMZ 119603).]
TONGUE.--The shape of the tongue varies intraspecifically. Usually the tongue is ovoid; in some specimens it is barely notched posteriorly, whereas in others it is deeply notched, making the tongue cordiform. Deeply notched cordiform tongues are found in P. leonhardschultzei and P. schmidtorum; with the exception of these two species, some individuals of all species have emarginate tongues. Some individuals of all species have tongues that are shallowly notched posteriorly.
Color and Pattern
The dorsum in living frogs of the genus Ptychohyla is primarily yellowish or reddish brown, except in P. schmidtorum chamulae and P. ignicolor in which it is green. Usually there are some darker blotches or reticulations on the dorsum. The venter usually is white; in P. ignicolor it is yellow. The venter is spot
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