An Egyptian Princess
An Egyptian Princess
Translated from the German by Eleanor Grove
Book Excerpt
mate carries
him on her outspread wings whithersoever he will; and the gods, desiring
to reward such faithful love, cause the sun to shine more kindly, and
still the winds and waves on the "Halcyon days" during which these birds
are building their nest and brooding over their young? There can surely
have been no lack of romantic love in days when a used-up man of the
world, like Antony, could desire in his will that wherever he died his
body might be laid by the side of his beloved Cleopatra: nor of the
chivalry of love when Berenice's beautiful hair was placed as a
constellation in the heavens. Neither can we believe that devotion in
the cause of love could be wanting when a whole nation was ready to wage
a fierce and obstinate war for the sake of one beautiful woman. The
Greeks had an insult to revenge, but the Trojans fought for the
possession of Helen. Even the old men of Ilium were ready "to suffer
long for such a woman." And finally is not the whole question answered
in Theocritus' unparalleled poe
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