A Great Emergency and Other Tales
A Great Emergency and Other Tales
A Great Emergency -- A Very Ill-Tempered Family -- Our Field -- Madam Liberality.
Book Excerpt
. So that settled it, and I was very glad not to have to give up going to the school matches.
The school we went to was the old town grammar school. It was a very famous one; but it was not so expensive as big public schools are, and I believe this was why we lived in this town after my father's death, for Mother was not at all rich.
The grammar school was very large, and there were all sorts of boys there--some of gentlemen, and tradesmen, and farmers. Some of the boys were so very dirty, and had such horrid habits out of school, that when Rupert was thirteen, and I was ten, he called a council at the beginning of the half, and a lot of the boys formed a committee, and drew up the code of honour, and we all subscribed to it.
The code of honour was to forbid a lot of things that had been very common in the school. Lying, cheating over bargains, telling tales, bragging, bad language, and what the code called "conduct unbecoming schoolfellows and gentlemen." There were a lot of rules in it,
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