The Last Generation
The Last Generation
A Story of the Future
Book Excerpt
ings of the Mutual Extermination Club, I seemed to be in England, or perhaps in America. At all events I was walking along a dusty highway in the midst of an inquisitive crowd. In front of me half-a-dozen members of the International Police Force (their tunics and boots gave me to understand their quality) were dragging along a woman who held a baby in her arms. A horror-struck and interested multitude surged behind, and rested only when the woman was taken into a large and disgusting edifice with iron gates. Aided by my distinguished appearance and carriage, I succeeded after some difficulty in persuading the Chief Gaoler to let me visit the cell where the mother was lodged, previous to undergoing an execution which would doubtless be as unpleasant as prolonged. I found a robust, apple-cheeked woman, very clean and neat, despite her forlorn condition and the rough handling the guards had used to her. She confessed to me with tears that she had been in her day a provincial courtesan, and that she had been ove
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Pretty much a waste of time. The unbelievable premise is that Earth's last ruler declares that no more humans may be born, and everyone simply accepts the decree. The world's population is sterilized. Mankind dies out.
There's no particular action or driving force to this story. The ending is pointless. Skip it, and save yourself some time.
There's no particular action or driving force to this story. The ending is pointless. Skip it, and save yourself some time.
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