Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and How He Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand
Hassan: The Story of Hassan of Baghdad and How He Came to Make the Golden Journey to Samarkand
A play in five acts
Book Excerpt
Thirty-seven times have you made the same remark, O father
of repetition.
HASSAN (More dolefully than ever) Eywallah, Eywallah!
SELIM Have you caught fever? Is your chest narrow, or your belly thunderous?
HASSAN (With a ponderous sigh) Eywallah!
SELIM Is that the merchant of sweetmeats, that sour face? O poisoner of children, surely it would be better to cut the knot of reluctance and uncord the casket of explanation. And the poet Antari has justly remarked:
Divide your sorrow and impart your grief, O fool. That good man comforteth beyond belief, O fool.
HASSAN (Inclining towards the mat) None is good, save God. And Abou Awas has excellently sung:
The importunate Are seldom fortunate.
Nevertheless, know, Selim, that I am in love.
SELIM In love! Then why sit moaning on the mat? Are there not bea
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