Zone Policeman 88

Zone Policeman 88
A Close Range Study of the Panama Canal and its Workers


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Zone Policeman 88 by Harry A. Franck





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Zone Policeman 88
A Close Range Study of the Panama Canal and its Workers


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There will be no book on the Canal Zone to compare with this in accuracy, vividness, and fascination--a happy, humorous narrative of the author's experiences and adventures as census-taker and plain-clothes policeman in the Canal Zone.

Book Excerpt

reeds and colors of canal workers. So on again along a broad macadamized highway that bent and rose through low bushy ridges, past an army encamped in wood and tin barracks on a hillside, with khaki uniformed soldiers ahorse and afoot enlivening all the roadway and the neighboring fields. Never a mile without its town--how different will all this be when the canal is finished and all this community is gone to Alaska or has scattered itself again over the face of the earth, and dense tropical solitude has settled down once more over the scene.

Panama, they had said, is insupportably hot. Comparing it with other lands I knew I could not but smile at the notion. Again it was the lack of perspective. Sweat ran easily, yet so fresh the air and so refreshing the breeze sweeping incessantly across from the Atlantic that even the sweating was almost enjoyable. Hot! Yes, like June on the Canadian border--though not like July. It is hot in St. Louis on an August Sunday, with all the refreshment doors tight closed--t


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FEATURED AUTHOR - Aaron Ryan lives in Washington with his wife and two sons, along with Macy the dog, Winston the cat, and Merry & Pippin, the finches.  He is the author of the "Dissonance" series, several business books on multimedia production penned under a pseudonym, as well as a previous fictional novel, "The Omega Room."  Aaron has always had a passion for storytelling.  When he was in second grade, he was tasked with writing a creative assignment: a fictional book.