The Lord of Glory
The Lord of Glory
Meditations on the person, the work and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ
Book Excerpt
Anything and everything what we need in time and eternity.
"When God would teach mankind His name He called Himself the great, I AM, And leaves a blank--believers may Supply those things for which they pray."
Happy indeed are we, beloved reader, if we know Him, who died for us as the I AM, if we learn more and more to trust Him as the all sufficient One and know that the I AM will supply all our need. In these days in which the person of Christ is so much belittled, attacked; He as the Holy One, the great Jehovah rejected, not by the outside world alone, but by those who call themselves after His own blessed name, let us have for an answer to all these attacks of the enemy a closer walk with Him, a more intimate fellowship with the I AM; a better acquaintance with our Jehovah-Jesus, our gracious Lord. Oh what a union is ours, One with Him the I AM, what a happy, glorious lot. Hallelujah.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and whic
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