The Book of Good Manners
The Book of Good Manners
A Guide To Polite Usage For All Social Functions
Book Excerpt
nder FUNCTIONS, as
APPLES should be pared, cut into small pieces, and eaten with finders or forks.
ARCHBISHOP OF ANGLICAN CHURCH--HOW ADDRESSED. An official letter begins: My Lord Archbishop, may it please your Grace, and ends: I remain, My Lord Archbishop, your Grace's most obedient servant.
A social letter begins: My dear Lord Archbishop, and ends: I have the honor to remain, my dear Lord Archbishop.
The address on the envelop is: The Most Reverend, His Grace the Archbishop of Kent.
ARCHBISHOP OF ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH--HOW ADDRESSED. An official or social letter begins: Most Reverend and Dear Sir, and ends: I have the honor to remain your humble servant.
The address on the envelope is: The Most Reverend John J. Wilson, Archbishop of Kent.
ARTICHOKES are eaten with the fingers, taking off leaf by leaf and dipping into the
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