Voyager's Tales

Voyager's Tales
The Worthy Enterprise of John Fox, an Englishman, in Delivering 266 Christians Out of the Captivity of the Turks at Alexandria, the 3rd of January, 1577.


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Voyager's Tales by Richard Hakluyt



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Voyager's Tales
The Worthy Enterprise of John Fox, an Englishman, in Delivering 266 Christians Out of the Captivity of the Turks at Alexandria, the 3rd of January, 1577.


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Book Excerpt

Mr. Walter Raleigh, before the coming home of his two barks." Raleigh and Hakluyt were within a year of the same age.

To found a colonial empire in America by settling upon new lands, and by dispossessing Spaniards, was one of the grand ideas of Walter Raleigh, who obtained, on the 25th of March in that year, 1584, a patent authorising him to search out and take possession of new lands in the Western world. He then fitted out two ships, which left England on the 27th of April, under the command of Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlow. In June they had reached the West Indies, then they sailed north by the coasts of Florida and Carolina, and they had with them two natives when they returned to England in September, 1584. In December Raleigh's patent was enlarged and confirmed, and presently afterwards Raleigh was knighted.

Richard Hakluyt's paper, in aid of this beginning of the shaping of another England in the New World, was for a long time lost. It was first printed in 1877 at Cambridge, Massachusetts


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