The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, vol 3
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, vol 3
North-Eastern Europe and Adjacent Countries part 2
Book Excerpt
l intreated, and was
withdrawen from the Greekish religion vnto the ceremonies of the Church of
Rome. But against the Liuonians for none other cause, but onely for an
incredible desire of enlarging his dominions. Howbeit what impulsiue causes
of litle or no moment happened in the mean season, we will in another place
more plainely declare. Notwithstanding he was very often and in diuers
battels vanquished by Plettebergius the great master of the Dutch knights:
but it is not to the purpose to stand any longer vpon this discourse.
He was married first vnto Marie the Duke of Tyuersky his daughter, and of her hee begate Iohn, vnto whom in his life time he surrendred his Dukedome, and married him vnto the daughter of Stephan the Palatine of Moldauia: which Iohn, after he had begotten his sonne Demetrius, deceased before his father.
Afterward Iuan Vasilowich aforesaide married a wife called Sophia being daughter vnto Thomas Palælogus, which is reported to haue had her dowry out of the Popes treasury, because
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