The Federalist Papers
The Federalist Papers
(Second version)
Book Excerpt
on of a sound and well-informed judgment, their interest can never be separated; and that a dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the forbidden appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government. History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.
In the course of the preceding observations, I have had an eye, my fellow-citizens, to putting you upon your guard against all attempts, from whatever quarter, to influence your decision in a matter of the utmost moment to your welfare, by any impressions other than those which may result from the evidence of truth. You will, no doubt, at the same time, have collected from the general scope of them, tha
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This should be required reading for all Americans!
Yes, they fought over this. Yes, they argued with differing opinions about what kind of government we ought to have. But, it is all here in these documents for us to learn from (Hamilton wanted George Washington to be our first King! Like we needed the British type of government here. yeah, right!).
The government is presently having more power than our Founding fathers intended it to have! (I only wish the Supreme Court could put them in their place and buck them back to the 18 powers they are supposed to have...!)
BTW, T. Paine should remember that ours country is NOT an "enduring democracy", as he says. The founders ABHORRED democracy, stating that it is a "despotic" type of government, doomed to failure. Democracy is rule by the many, which does not respect individual rights; whereas, a Republic which we have, does respect individual rights.
Let us start calling it at least what it is! And these papers are a good start for anyone wishing to know what the founders meant for all of us. Lincoln admonished us to "study the Constitution". How I wish more people would..! We might not be in such a mess today! Thank you Madison, thank you, Jefferson!
Yes, they fought over this. Yes, they argued with differing opinions about what kind of government we ought to have. But, it is all here in these documents for us to learn from (Hamilton wanted George Washington to be our first King! Like we needed the British type of government here. yeah, right!).
The government is presently having more power than our Founding fathers intended it to have! (I only wish the Supreme Court could put them in their place and buck them back to the 18 powers they are supposed to have...!)
BTW, T. Paine should remember that ours country is NOT an "enduring democracy", as he says. The founders ABHORRED democracy, stating that it is a "despotic" type of government, doomed to failure. Democracy is rule by the many, which does not respect individual rights; whereas, a Republic which we have, does respect individual rights.
Let us start calling it at least what it is! And these papers are a good start for anyone wishing to know what the founders meant for all of us. Lincoln admonished us to "study the Constitution". How I wish more people would..! We might not be in such a mess today! Thank you Madison, thank you, Jefferson!
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While I agree with Publius on the nature of the Federalist Papers, I disagree with his apparent blanket condemnation of states rights. The Founding Fathers, while seeking to reign in state legislatures for their iniquities, they still conceded that the states had rights. If the people of this country find this abhorent, they can always amend the Constitution.
The Federalist Papers are, jointly, the quintessential commentary on the United States Constitution authored by its staunchest proponents during the ratification conventions. The principal author of The Federalist (and of the Constitution, itself) makes the case for each Article of the Constitution on the merits of the document's language and underpinning principles. His contributions, and those of his Federalist peers, are central to all studies of the Constitution and the Founding Period and are an invaluable resource for those seeking “original intent” (if such intent is to be our guide in contemporary discussions). Numbers 10, 47, and 51 are not to be missed for those perusing the Federalist for the first time. For those seeking the alternative view on the Constitution from the same period, refer to The Federal Farmer, which spoke for the Anti-Federalist camp. Be forewarned: the Farmer is more classically liberal than the Federalist, by far.
Every American should read these. In many ways, they are even more important than the constitution to understanding our government. They have nothing to do with "right-wing nutjobs" as a previous review stated. In fact, they are very much opposed to the "states' rights" that those in the right-wing are supposed to support.
Please keep in mind, fair reader, that what T. Paine is not telling you is that this text is now required reading for any right-wing nutjob in training. So do arm yourself for some one-sided thinking. Good day.
Along with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, The Federalist Papers laid the foundation for an enduring democracy in America. From 1787 to 1788, Hamilton, Madison, and Jay wrote this series of essays to advocate the ratification of the Constitution as a new charter of government. The brilliance of these men and the significance of the issues produced the most important work in political science ever written in the United States.
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