The Man Who Saw the Future
The Man Who Saw the Future
Book Excerpt
, was as it had always been.
"'You will want to see Paris--the Paris of our time, Henri?' asked Rastin.
"'But it is different--terrible--' I said.
"'We'll take you,' Thicourt said, 'but first your clothes--'
"He got a long light coat that they had me put on, that covered my tunic and hose, and a hat of grotesque round shape that they put on my head. They led me then out of the building and into the street.
"I gazed astoundedly along that street. It had a raised walk at either side, on which many hundreds of people moved to and fro, all dressed in as strange a fashion. Many, like Rastin and Thicourt, seemed of gentle blood, yet, in spite of this, they did not wear a sword or even a dagger. There were no knights or squires, or priests or peasants. All seemed dressed much the same.
"Small lads ran to and fro selling what seemed sheets of very thin white parchment, many times folded and covered with lettering. Rastin said that these had written in them all things that had
(view all)Popular books in Short Story, Science Fiction, Post-1930, Fiction and Literature
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A man from the Dark Ages is pulled into the future, shown around, then sent back. Quite boring.
I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 only because the writing itself is not awful.
I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 only because the writing itself is not awful.
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An assistant apothecary in 1444 Paris is investigating mysterious thunderclaps in a field, when he is plucked from his time and deposited in the miraculous world of 1944. The author, writing in 1930, was a little bit off in some of his predictions, but it's a fairly amusing story.
The writing is fairly good and the main character is convincingly bewildered.
The writing is fairly good and the main character is convincingly bewildered.
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