The Lady Paramount

The Lady Paramount


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The Lady Paramount by Henry Harland





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The Lady Paramount


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Book Excerpt

surance, that we are wont to associate with a riper womanhood. Whether she looked twenty-five or not, she looked, at any rate, a completed product; she looked distinguished and worth while; she looked alive, alert: one in whom the blood coursed swiftly, the spirit burned vigorously; one who would love her pleasure, who could be wayward and provoking, but who could also be generous and loyal; she looked high-bred, one in whom there was race, as well as temperament and nerve.

The Commendatore, however, was a thousand miles from these considerations. He glared fiercely at her--as fiercely as it was in his mild old eyes to glare. He held himself erect and aloof, in a posture that was eloquent of haughty indignation.

"I will ask your Excellency a single question. Are you or are you not the Countess of Sampaolo?" he demanded sternly.

But Susanna was incorrigible.

"At your service--unless I was changed at nurse," she assented, dropping a curtsey; and an imp laughed in her eyes.


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Noam Josephides - Heart-Pounding Sci-Fi Mystery
FEATURED AUTHOR - Noam Josephides is an award-winning and bestselling author, screenwriter and director. He is also a serial technology entrepreneur with numerous successful companies founded, and a past as an Airforce Captain. Noam's love for speculative writing and Science Fiction began with the genre classics he read in his childhood - from Asimov and Heinlin to Clarke and Douglas Adams.