Chronicles 1 : The Historie of England 5

Chronicles 1 : The Historie of England 5
The Fift Booke of the Historie of England.


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Chronicles 1 : The Historie of England 5 by Raphael Holinshed



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Chronicles 1 : The Historie of England 5
The Fift Booke of the Historie of England.


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Book Excerpt

writers both British and English séeme to gather, although the Scotish writers, and [Sidenote: Wil. Malm.] namelie, Hector Boetius doo varie herein, touching the iust account of yeares, as to the perusers of the writings aswell of the one as the other may appeare. But others take it to be in the 4 yéere of his reigne: whereto Beda séemeth to agrée, who noteth it in the same yeare that Martianus the emperour began to rule the empire, which was (as appeareth by the consularie table) in the consulship of Protogenes and Austerius, and third yeere of Meroneus king of France.

These Saxons thus arriuing in Britaine, were courteouslie receiued, & hartilie welcomed of king Vortigerne, who assigned to them places in Kent to inhabit, and foorthwith led them against the Scots and Picts, which were entred into Britaine, wasting & destroieng the countrie before them. Héerevpon comming to ioine in battell, there was a sore fight betwixt the parties for a while. But


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