Tristram of Blent

Tristram of Blent
An Episode in the Story of an Ancient House


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Tristram of Blent by Anthony Hope





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Tristram of Blent
An Episode in the Story of an Ancient House


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A study of English country life and modern society, done with the grace and shrewdness with which we are familiar in all Mr. Anthony Hope's work.

Book Excerpt

as this before!

"Good gracious me!" he muttered. "The thing is nothing more nor less than an imputation on the legitimacy of the son and heir!"

That same afternoon he went over to the Imperium to vote at the election of members. It struck him as one of the small coincidences of life that among the candidates who faced the ballot was a Colonel Wilmot Edge, R.E.

"Any relation, I wonder?" mused Mr Neeld as he dropped in an affirmative ball. But it may be added, since not even the secrets of club ballots are to be held sacred, that he bestowed one of a different sort on a certain Mr William Iver, who was described as a "Contractor," and whose name was familiar and conspicuous on the hoardings that screened new buildings in London, and was consequently objectionable to Mr Neeld's fastidious mind.

"I don't often blackball," he remarked to Lord Southend as they were sitting down to whist, "but, really, don't you think the Imperium should maintain--er--a certain level?"

"Iver's a d


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