Early Plays
Early Plays
Catiline, The Warrior's Barrow, Olaf Liljekrans
Translated from the Norwegian by Anders Orbeck, A. M.
Book Excerpt
keep from
expressing myself in the impassioned spirit of my poetic
effusions, which meanwhile brought me nothing--from friends or
non-friends--but a questionable reward; the former greeted me as
peculiarly fitted for the unintentionally droll, and the latter
thought it in the highest degree strange that a young person in
my subordinate position could undertake to inquire into affairs
concerning which not even they themselves dared to entertain an
opinion. I owe it to truth to add that my conduct at various
times did not justify any great hope that society might count on
an increase in me of civic virtue, inasmuch as I also, with
epigrams and caricatures, fell out with many who had deserved
better of me and whose friendship I in reality prized.
Altogether,--while a great struggle raged on the outside, I
found myself on a war-footing with the little society where I
lived cramped by conditions and circumstances of life.
Such was the situation when amid the preparations for my examinations I read through Sal
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