A Bundle of Letters
A Bundle of Letters
Book Excerpt
tel isn't much; but the piano is better than
that fearful old thing at the Sebago House. Sometimes I go
downstairs and talk to the lady who keeps the books--a French lady,
who is remarkably polite. She is very pretty, and always wears a
black dress, with the most beautiful fit; she speaks a little
English; she tells me she had to learn it in order to converse with
the Americans who come in such numbers to this hotel. She has given
me a great deal of information about the position of woman in France,
and much of it is very encouraging. But she has told me at the same
time some things that I should not like to write to you (I am
hesitating even about putting them into my journal), especially if my
letters are to be handed round in the family. I assure you they
appear to talk about things here that we never think of mentioning at
Bangor, or even of thinking about. She seems to think she can tell
me everything, because I told her I was travelling for general
culture. Well, I DO want to know so much that it
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