Murder in Any Degree
Murder in Any Degree
Various conventions are hit hard in these tales, which all hold the interest and stimulate the imagination as Owen Johnson can do so successfully. Murder In Any Degree -- One Hundred In The Dark (audiobook)-- A Comedy For Wives -- The Lie -- Even Threes -- A Man Of No Imagination -- Larry Moore -- My Wife's Wedding Presents -- The Surprises Of The Lottery
Book Excerpt
with a song on his lips.
An old woman who kept a fruit store gave him implicit credit; a much younger member of the sex at the corner creamery trusted him for eggs and fresh milk, and leaned toward him over the counter, laughing into his eyes as he exclaimed:
"Ma belle, when I am famous, I will buy you a silk gown, and a pair of earrings that will reach to your shoulders, and it won't be long. You'll see."
He adored being poor. When his canvas gave out, he painted his ankles to caricature the violent creations that were the pride of Chatterton, who was a nabob. When his credit at one restaurant expired, he strode confidently up to another proprietor, and announced with the air of one bestowing a favor:
"I am Rantoul, the portrait-painter. In five years my portraits will sell for five thousand francs, in ten for twenty thousand. I will eat one meal a day at your distinguished establishment, and paint your portrait to make your walls famous. At the end of the month I will immortaliz
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