A Virginian story laid in the 18th century. Audrey is an orphan, a dreamy child of nature, the protege of Marmaduke Haward, a gallant young Virginia planter. She becomes the rival of the famous beauty, Evelyn Byrd, for Haward's love. Her eventful life with its dramatic close, is well told.
Book Excerpt
r side, and watch the fairy tale from afar off.
The rangers, with the pioneer and his son for their guests, dined beside the kitchen fire, which they had kindled at a respectful distance from the group upon the knoll. Active, bronzed and daring men, wild riders, bold fighters, lovers of the freedom of the woods, they sprawled upon the dark earth beneath the walnut-trees, laughed and joked, and told old tales of hunting or of Indian warfare. The four Meherrins ate apart and in stately silence, but the grinning negroes must needs endure their hunger until their masters should be served. One black detachment spread before the gentlemen of the expedition a damask cloth; another placed upon the snowy field platters of smoking venison and turkey, flanked by rockahominy and sea-biscuit, corn roasted Indian fashion, golden melons, and a quantity of wild grapes gathered from the vines that rioted over the hillside; while a third set down, with due solemnity, a formidable array of bottles. There being no chaplai
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