The Ridin' Kid from Powder River
The Ridin' Kid from Powder River
The novel for everyone who feels the lure of the untamed West.
Book Excerpt
Well, if you promise you won't tell nobody, I did cuss onct, when I struck the plough into a yellow-jacket's nest which I wa'n't aimin' to hit, nohow. Had the reins round my neck, not expectin' visitors, when them hornets come at me and the hoss without even ringin' the bell. That team drug me quite a spell afore I got loose. When I got enough dirt out of my mouth so as I could holler, I set to and said what I thought."
"Cussed the hosses and the doggone ole plough and them hornets--and everything!" exclaimed Pete.
"Nope, son, I cussed myself for hangin' them reins round my neck. What you say your name was?"
"What was the trader callin' you--any other name besides Pete?"
"Yes, I reckon he was. When he is good 'n' drunk he would be callin' me a doggone little--"
"Never mind, I know about that. I was meanin' your other name."
"My other name? I ain't got none. I'm Pete."
Annersley shook his head. "Well, pardner, you'll be Pete Annersley now. Watch o
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