Border and Bastille
Border and Bastille
The true story of an Englishman who joined the Confederate States to serve as a volunteer-aide in the army.
Book Excerpt
ausea, in any shape, I know of little or nothing, but--oh, mine enemy!--if I could feel certain you were well out in the Atlantic, experiencing, for just one week, the weather that fell to our lot, I would abate much of my animosity, purely from satiation of revenge.
Unless absolutely prostrated by illness, the voyager, of course, has a ravenous appetite; such being the case, what can be more exasperating than having to grapple with a sort of dioramic dinner, where the dishes represent a series of dissolving views--mutton and beef of mature age, leaping about with a playfulness only becoming living lambs and calves--while the proverb of "cup and lip" becomes a truism from perpetual illustration? Neither is it agreeable, after falling into an uncertain doze, to feel dampness mingling strangely with your dreams, and to awake to find yourself, as it were, an island in a little salt lake formed by distillation through invisible crevices.
"Oh, laith, laith were our gude Scot lords To wet their cork-h
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