Daisy Brooks

Daisy Brooks
A Perilous Love


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Daisy Brooks by Laura Jean Libbey







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Daisy Brooks
A Perilous Love


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Book Excerpt

A deep flush mantled John Brooks' face, but he made no retort, while Septima energetically piled the white fluted laces in the huge basket--piled it full to the brim, until her arm ached with the weight of it--the basket which was to play such a fatal part in the truant Daisy's life--the life which for sixteen short years had been so monotonous.

Over the corn-fields half hid by the clover came a young girl tripping lightly along. John Brooks paused in the path as he caught sight of her. "Poor, innocent little Daisy!" he muttered half under his breath, as he gazed at her quite unseen.

Transferred to canvas, it would have immortalized a painter. No wonder the man's heart softened as he gazed. He saw a glitter of golden curls, and the scarlet gleam of a mantle--a young girl, tall and slender, with rounded, supple limbs, and a figure graceful in every line and curve--while her arms, bare to the elbow, would have charmed a sculptor. Cheek and lips were a glowing rosy red--while her eyes, of the d


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Ryanne Siddiq - A Moving Children's Book About Friendship
FEATURED AUTHOR - Ryanne is a kind-hearted and silly storyteller and book connoisseur. She has a no-nonsense American attitude mixed with a little bit of Mediterranean warmth and charm. Ryanne loves race cars and unicorns, and she’s fairly certain that coffee flows through her veins! She drives a stick in stilettos, appreciates good food and great company, and smiles when the birds sing outside her window. When Ryanne got too sick to drive the fun cars, she decided to write about them instead.