A Book of English Prose

A Book of English Prose
Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools


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A Book of English Prose by Percy Lubbock







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A Book of English Prose
Part II, Arranged for Secondary and High Schools


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Book Excerpt

Death of Sir Gawaine -- Sir Thomas Malory
The Queen's Speech to her last Parliament -- Elizabeth, Queen of England
Death of Cleopatra -- Sir Thomas North
The Vanity of Greatness -- Sir Walter Ralegh
The Law of Nations -- Richard Hooker
Of Studies -- Francis Bacon
Meditation on Death -- William Drummond
Primitive Life -- Thomas Hobbes
Character of a Plodding Student -- John Earle
Charity -- Sir Thomas Browne
The Danger of interfering with the Liberty of the Press -- John Milton
Death of Falkland -- Earl of Clarendon
The End of the Pilgrimage -- John Bunyan
Poetry and Music -- Sir William Temple
A Day in the Country -- Samuel Pepys
Captain Singleton in China -- Daniel Defoe
The Art of Conversation -- Jonathan Swift
The Royal Exchange -- Joseph Addison
Sir Roger de Coverley's Ancestors -- Richard Steele
Partridge at the Play -- Henry Fielding
A Journey in a Stage-coach -- Samuel Johnson
Uncle Toby and Corporal Trim -- Laurence Sterne
The Funeral of George II -- Horace Walpole
The Credulity of the English -- Oliver Goldsmith
Decay of the Principles of Liberty -- Edmund Burke
The Candidate for Parliament -- William Cowper
Youth -- Edward Gibbon
First Sight of Dr Johnson -- James Boswell
Arrival at Osbaldistone Hall -- Sir Walter Scott
A Visit to Coleridge -- Charles Lamb
Diogenes and Plato -- W S Landor
An Invitation -- Jane Austen
Coleridge as Preacher -- William Hazlitt
A Dream -- Thomas de Quincey
The Use of Poetry -- John Keats
The Flight to Varennes -- Thomas Carlyle
The Trial of the Seven Bishops -- Lord Macaulay
The University of Athens -- J H Newman
The House of the Seven Gables -- Nathaniel Hawthorne
Denis Duval's first journey to London -- W M Thackeray
Storm -- Charles Dickens
Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester -- Charlotte Brontë
A Hut in the Woods -- H D Thoreau
A Miser -- George Eliot
Ships -- John Ruskin
The Child in the House -- Walter Pater
Diving -- R L Stevenson


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