The Voice in the Fog

The Voice in the Fog


(3 Reviews)
The Voice in the Fog by Harold MacGrath







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The Voice in the Fog


(3 Reviews)
A London fog, solid, substantial, yellow as an old dog's tooth or a jaundiced eye. You could not look through it, nor yet gaze up and down it, nor over it; and you only thought you saw it. The eye became impotent, untrustworthy; all senses lay fallow except that of touch; the skin alone conveyed to you with promptness and no incertitude that this thing had substance. You could feel it; you could open and shut your hands and sense it on your palms, and it penetrated your clothes and beaded your spectacles and rings and bracelets and shoe-buckles. It was nightmare, bereft of its pillows, grown somnambulistic; and London became the antechamber to Hades, lackeyed by idle dreams and peopled by mistakes.

Book Excerpt

At the drop of a hat he would have gone to war, individually, with all England. "Really, sir!" Nothing but that, when he was dying of anxiety!

A taxicab drew up before the canopy. He knew it was a taxicab because he could hear the sound of the panting engine. The curb-end of the canopy was curtained by the abominable fog. Mistily a forlorn figure emerged. The doorman started leisurely toward this figure. Killigrew pushed him aside violently. Molly, with her hat gone, her hair awry, her dress torn, her gloves ragged, her eyes puffed! He sprang toward her, filled with Berserker rage. Who had dared.

"Give the man five pounds," she whispered. "I promised it."

"Five. . . ."

"Give it to him! Good heavens, do I look as if I were joking? Pay him, pay him!"

Killigrew counted out five sovereigns, perhaps six, he was not sure. The chauffeur swooped them up, and set off.

"Molly Killigrew. . . ."

"Not a word till I get to the rooms. Hurry! Daniel, if you say anything I sha


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(1915) Mystery(Detective) / Romance

R: * * * *

Plot bullets

Kitty's jewels are stolen off her neck while waiting in a carriage in a London fog..
She also overhears voices as two unseen men make a wager, that adds to the mystery of the night.
Thomas begins a new life as a Stewart on the ship that Kitty is taking to America.
He has a secret, but soon becomes appreciated by Kitty and her father, who offer him a job.
A mix of confusion, leads to suspicions and allegations of wrong doing by Thomas.
A relentless detective has to weigh the numerous, disjointed clues.
Is there a connection between Thomas and the jewel robbery. And was he, The Voice in the Fog.

This novel was different from most detective stories. You witness this robbery and know who took the jewels. And the thief is a perfect gentleman and you can't help loving him. The detectivein this story was also different; he was realistic and he made mistakes. All in all, I liked this book. Five stars.
Everyone is wearing scads of jewels - emeralds, diamonds, pearls - and there's a thief using the fog as a cover to score big, big, big. What's a girl to do if she thinks she recognizes the thief's voice? When it's attached to a very attractive young man? Jolly good fun!