The Summons
The Summons
Harry Luttrell succeeds in the great war in retrieving for his regiment the honor which it had lost in the Boer war. There are German machinations in Spain where a friend in the English secret service tracks a spy, only to involve Luttrell's fiancée. Another woman falls in love with him and then--but there is always another complication and a new sub-plot. An interesting variant of the modern detective story.
Book Excerpt
she took to herself, at once by nature, the seduction of both!
"Poor devil, he won't have a dog's chance!" the baronet concluded; and he watched approvingly what appeared to him to be Luttrell's endeavour to avoid joining battle on this unfavourable field. He could only trust feebly in that and in the strength of the "something else," the secret reason he was never to know.
It was about half-way through dinner when Stella Croyle, who had directed many a furtive, anxious glance to the averted face of her companion, attacked directly.
"What is the matter with you to-night?" she asked, interrupting him in the midst of a rattle of futilities. "Why should you recite to me from the guide-book about the University of Upsala?"
"It appears to be most interesting, and quaint," replied Luttrell hastily.
"Then we might hire a motor-car and run out there to luncheon. To-morrow! Just you and I."
"No." Harry Luttrell exclaimed suddenly and Stella Croyle drew back. Her face clouded.
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