McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader
McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader
Book Excerpt
22 ECLECTIC SERIES. 10. "Herbert!" his papa called, and held out his hands. "Come." The little boy got up from the floor, and came slowly, his eyes full of tears, and stood by his father. 11. "There is a better way than this, my boy," said papa. "If you had taken that way, your heart would have been light already. I should have heard you singing over your blocks instead of crying. Shall I show you that way?" 12. Herbert nodded his head, and papa sat down on the floor by the pile of blocks, with his little son by his side, and began to lay the foundation for a new castle.
1. Soon, Herbert was as much interested in castle-building as he had been a little while before. He began to sing over his work. All his trouble was gone.
THIRD READER. 23 2. "This is a great deal better than crying, is n't it?" said papa. 3. "Crying for what?" asked Herbert, forgetting his grief of a few minutes before. 4. "Because pussy knocked your castle over." 5.
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