Principles of Political Economy
Principles of Political Economy
Abridged, with Critical, Bibliographical,and Explanatory Notes, and a Sketchof the History of Political Economy,ByJ. Laurence Laughlin, Ph. D.
Book Excerpt
ogress Of Industry And Population On Values And Prices.
§ 1. Tendency of the progress of society toward increased Command over the powers of Nature; increased Security, and increased Capacity of Co-Operation.
§ 2. Tendency to a Decline of the Value and Cost of Production of all Commodities.
§ 3. --except the products of Agriculture and Mining, which have a tendency to Rise.
§ 4. --that tendency from time to time Counteracted by Improvements in Production.
§ 5. Effect of the Progress of Society in moderating fluctuations of Value.
* Chapter II. Influence Of The Progress Of Industry And Population On Rents, Profits, And Wages.
§ 1. Characteristic features of industrial Progress.
§ 2. First two cases, Population and Capital increasing, the arts of production stationary.
§ 3. The arts of production advancing, capital and population stationary.
§ 4. Theoretical results, if all three Elements progressi
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