On liberty
On liberty
One of history's most important political works. Mill declares that "over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign". If you are interested in political philosophy - this is a must read!
Book Excerpt
things from the thoughts awakened in me by the speculations of St. Simonians; but it was made a living principle, pervading and animating the book, by my wife's promptings."[4] The part which is italicised is noticeable. Here, as elsewhere, Mill thinks out the matter by himself; the concrete form of the thoughts is suggested or prompted by the wife. Apart from this "general tone," Mill tells us that there was a specific contribution. "The chapter which has had a greater influence on opinion than all the rest, that on the Probable Future of the Labouring Classes, is entirely due to her. In the first draft of the book that chapter did not exist. She pointed out the need of such a chapter, and the extreme imperfection of the book without it; she was the cause of my writing it." From this it would appear that she gave Mill that tendency to Socialism which, while it lends a progressive spirit to his speculations on politics, at the same time does not manifestly accord with his earlier advocacy of peasant prop
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This is one of the most, if not THE most important political philosophy works of before, during, and even after our time. The writing style is a bit difficult at first, but one adjusts to it. The volume is short, so I suggest reading the book at least a few times. It's worth the effort.
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Read this book every year - preferably around Christmas.