Rilla of Ingleside

Rilla of Ingleside


(4 Reviews)
Rilla of Ingleside by Lucy Maud Montgomery









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Rilla of Ingleside


(4 Reviews)

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call her superstitious. She has an odd belief in dreams and we have not been able to laugh it out of her. I must own, too, that some of her dreams--but there, it would not do to let Gilbert hear me hinting such heresy. What have you found of much interest, Susan?" Susan had given an exclamation. "Listen to this, Mrs. Dr. dear. 'Mrs. Sophia Crawford has given up her house at Lowbridge and will make her home in future with her niece, Mrs. Albert Crawford.' Why that is my own cousin Sophia, Mrs. Dr. dear. We quarrelled when we were children over who should get a Sunday-school card with the words 'God is Love,' wreathed in rosebuds, on it, and have never spoken to each other since. And now she is coming to live right across the road from us." "You will have to make up the old quarrel, Susan. It will never do to be at outs with your neighbours." "Cousin Sophia began the quarrel, so she can begin the making up also, Mrs. Dr. dear," said Susan loftily. "If she does I hope I am a good enough Christian to meet her ha


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I love the whole Anne series, but this is one of my favourites... if not the faourite. My paperback is well erad as I have read it many times, yet it always makes me cry. You grow to love and care about her characters... would have loved there to be more books...
Definately the saddest, and the best, of the series. I was up crying half the night - absolutely LOVED this book!!
Anne series ended with a bang. Wonderful ending. Emotion packed book. if you have gone through the entire six books continously, its just awesome to travel the emotions with everyone of the character and their emotions. To feel what people of that time might have felt about the WW1. The first biggest carnage of humans.

Beautiful. A proud mother, a beautifully portrayed metamorphosis of Rilla. Wonderfully completed. Loved the entire series. Will be reading more of Motgomery books.
this is the saddest out of all the anne books but also one of the best. it gives perspective on one of the major twentieth century issues and is jam packed with emotions. Walter is the best.
Katina Blasingame - A Heartfelt Journey of Love and Second Chances
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