'Jesus Himself'

'Jesus Himself'


(5 Reviews)
'Jesus Himself' by Andrew Murray







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'Jesus Himself'


(5 Reviews)
The following brief messages comprise a revision of two addresses, which originally appeared in the South African Pioneer, the organ of the "Cape General Mission" (Rev. Andrew Murray, Pres.), and are published by arrangement, the Mission participating in the proceeds.

Book Excerpt

, day by day, so

Christ is able

in heaven now to do what He could not do when He was on earth--to keep in the closest fellowship with every believer throughout the whole world. Glory be to God! You know that text in Ephesians: "He that descended is the same also that ascended, that He might fill all things." Why was my Lord Jesus taken up to heaven away from the life of earth? Because the life of earth is a life confined to localities, but the life in heaven is a life in which there is no limit and no bound and no locality, and Christ was taken up to heaven, that, in the power of God, of the omnipresent God, He might be able to fill every individual here and be with every individual believer.

That is what my heart wants to realize by faith; that is a possibility, that is a promise, that is my birthright, and I want to have it, and I want by the grace of God to say, "Jesus, I will not rest until Thou hast revealed Thyself fully to my soul."

There are often very blessed expe


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Wonderful book.Sheds light on my spirituality.I will read it daily. It gives so much hope.Its lovely to know about Jesus.
This could be preached today. Old is new again. Murry clearly shows the heart of man. Modern or otherwise he is still the same. Christ comes alive as he points the way to a living saviour. He is not dead but alive and ready to live in our hearts. Murry' style of preaching is so easy that a child can follow it. The message is not wrought in deep theology, but in the simple message that Christ lives in us and through us. A must read for any christian.
I can't believe this was written in 1893 -- it's as fresh and relevant as if were written yesterday -- if you are hurting and your life is full of problems due to the present economic situation in this country, read this sermon! I guess the answer has been around a long time -- and it's one we need to learn over and over again . . .
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there are so many things that can\'t be expressed.
there is a longing within me that keeps me searching.
Andrew Murray touched me deeply and i understood
my constant longing. i cannot rest until my soul is fully blessed by the present of the Holy One