Voodoo Planet

Voodoo Planet


(3 Reviews)
Voodoo Planet by Andre Norton







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Voodoo Planet


(3 Reviews)
''From between the two shuffling dancers padded something on four feet. The canine-feline creature was more than just a head; it was a loose-limbed, graceful body fully eight feet in length, and the red eyes in the prick-eared head were those of a killer.... Words issued from between those curved fangs, words which Dane might not understand....''Dane slid his blade out surreptitiously, setting its point against the palm of his hand and jabbing painfully; but the terrible creature continued to advance.... There was no blurring of its lines....''Dane Thorson of the space-ship Solar Queen knew there was only one way to win out over this hideous thing—a battle to the end between his rational mind and the hypnotic witchcraft of Lumbrilo, the mental wizard of the planet Khatka.

Book Excerpt

o added the rest. "We are invited to visit Khatka and survey a new hunting range as Chief Ranger Asaki's personal term guests."

Dane drew a deep breath of wonder. Guest rights on Khatka were jealously guarded--they were too valuable to their owners to waste. Whole families lived on the income from the yearly rental of even half a one. But the Rangers, by right of office, had several which they could grant to visiting scientists or men from other worlds holding positions similar to their own. To have such an opportunity offered to an ordinary Trader was almost incredible.

His wonder was matched by Tau's and must have been plain to read for the Chief Ranger smiled.

"For a long time Captain Jellico and I have exchanged biological data on alien life-forms--his skill in photographing such, his knowledge as an xenobiologist are widely recognized. And so I have permission for him to visit the new Zoboru preserve, not yet officially opened. And you, Medic Tau, your help, or at least your diagnosi


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A forest ranger struggles against a witch doctor on a distant planet at the edge of galactic civilization. The story contains some interesting ideas, such as the use of hypnotism and power of suggestion as weapons. This would have been better as a longer book with additional explanation and character development. It is a pretty good read, the author just tried to cram too much content into too few pages.
I'd give this a higher rating than Parky, though I understand his complaints. At the time it was written, psi abilities were a major theme in SF, with the late John W. Campbell leading the way in stories he chose for Astounding SF/Analog SF.

Part of the problem with Voodoo Planet is length: it was published as half of an Ace Double novel, which had two books, back to back, under the same cover. Because of the format, books tended to be about 45,000 - 50,000 words long to be able to fit. If Andre had more space to play in, I suspect she would have provided more details. (And it's possible she did, and they got cut by the editor.)

It's a nice look at a pretty well realized foreign culture. No, Chief Ranger Asaki doesn't really understand his powers, either: he simply knows that he can do certain things, and is in tune with his environment in a way others aren't.

It isn't Andre's best book, but I don't believe she ever wrote a *bad* one.
This book by Andre Norton who I like in general was not that well written. Things happened that I was lost on. Characters had mind powers that were not well explained as they weren't the hero's and his powers were confusing to me and him I guess. Still I read it all the way through and could not put it down but I kept wanting something more. It is entertaining reading though and if you like the thought of mind control illusions it might be just your science fiction type of book.