David Rynick
SMITHERS--(terrified) Think I'd peach on yer? Not me! Ain't I always been yer friend?
JONES--(suddenly relaxing) Sho' you has -- and you better be.
SMITHERS--(recovering his composure--and with it his malice) And just to show yer I'm yer friend, I'll tell yer that bit o' news I was goin' to.
JONES--Go ahead! Shoot de piece. Must be bad news from de happy way you look.
SMITHERS--(warningly) Maybe it's gettin' time for you to resign -- with that bloomin' silver bullet, wot? (He finishes with a mocking grin.)
JONES--(puzzled) What's dat you say? Talk plain.
SMITHERS--Ain't noticed any of the guards or servants about the place today, I 'aven't.
JONES--(carelessly) Dey'r