The Man in Grey
The Man in Grey
Being episodes of the Chouan Conspiracies in Normandy during the First Empire
Nine connected episodes about a strange and elusive personality known in the reign of the first Napoleon as the "Man in grey," who by his clever work brought to justice many of the reckless crimmals of the Chouan conspiracies in Normandy. Mystery stories which men will enjoy.
Book Excerpt
"Silence!" he whispered hoarsely. "There's someone moving out there among the trees."
At once the others obeyed, every other thought lulled to rest by the sense of sudden danger. For a minute or so every sound was hushed in the narrow confines of the lair save the stertorous breathing which came from panting throats. Then the look-out man at the entrance whispered under his breath:
"I heard nothing."
"Something moved, I tell you," rejoined Silver-Leg curtly. "It may only have been a beast on the prowl."
But the brief incident had given him the opportunity which he required; he had shaken off his companion's hold upon his wrist and had slung the wallet over his shoulder. Now he stumped out of the burrow.
"Friend Hare-Lip," he said before he went, in the same commanding tone wherewith he had imposed silence awhile ago on his turbulent mates, "tell Monseigneur that it will be 'Corinne' this time, and you, Mole-Skin, ask Madame to send Red-Poll over on Friday night fo
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