Friend Mac Donald
Friend Mac Donald
"Friend Mac Donald has everything to recommend its eccentricities ... a Gallic Mark Twain in originality and piquant humour."—Leeds Mercury."Max O'Rell hits off the respective national characters of the Scotch and English most happily."—Globe.
Book Excerpt
ebrated wit.
All in vain did Scotland produce Smollett, Robert Burns, Walter Scott, and Thomas Carlyle, in the eyes of the English, the Scotchman has remained the personification of slow-wittedness--a poor fellow incapable of making much beyond prayers and money, and the Londoner who has never travelled--the poor Cockney who still firmly believes that the French are feeble creatures, living on snails and frogs--this Londoner, the most stupid animal in the world (after the Paris badaud, perhaps), goes about repeating to all who will listen to such nonsense:
"Dull and heavy as a Scotchman!"
Give a few minutes' start to a hoax, and you will never be able to overtake it.
To tell the truth, the wit of, I will not say, an Englishman, but a Cockney, is not within the reach of the Scot. Jokes, play upon words, and bantering are not in his line. A pun will floor him completely; but I hope to be able to prove, by means of a few anecdotes, that Donald has real wit, and humour above a
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