A Conflict of Evidence
A Conflict of Evidence
Recommended to all readers to care to be puzzled and are not yet tired of the age-old spectacle of rival detectives and opposing theories, of innocence suspected, and skulking crime unmasked with the last chapter.
Book Excerpt
d, planting his forepaws on his breast, tried to lick him on the face. Lewis resented the animal's familiarity, and seemed much annoyed as he brusquely pushed him down with an exclamation of impatience.
"Why, Mr. Lewis," said the Squire, "the dog acts as though he knows you. Can it be possible that he remembers you? I know that your father brought him here when he first came, but that is years ago, and he was a mere puppy then."
"I remember him well enough now, but I doubt if his recollection spans the interval between now and the time when I gave him bread and milk in his puppy days. I receive that kind of attention from nearly all dogs. Some of the fiercest have favored me at sight. Once, at a bench show in London, I bet that I could pat the head of any dog there. I won the wager, though the animal selected was a ferocious-looking bull-dog, over whose kennel was conspicuously displayed the warning placard: 'Dangerous, do not handle!' They say that a dog knows a friend instinctively, and I am c
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A cliched whodunit murder mystery. There was the suspected (but ultimately proven innocent) girl, her also suspected (and also eventually cleared) lover. A few clues are thrown in that make finding the murderer fairly simple for anyone who has read enough crime/detective literature. I am giving it two stars because of its lack of originality and two-dimensional characters.
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